Please read the terms of use before proceeding. This is very important to me, and very important to you!
All pixel artwork within this domain is closed-source freeware, and the intellectual property of bitmapdreams. Pixel artwork items are free to use if the conditions listed in the policy below are met (if you are unsure, please ask). To enter this website, you must agree to the terms of use by checking the box on the bitmapdreams homepage and then clicking "enter." Thank you!


  • Ask me if it is okay to use my works (you can ask via email or tumblr) and let me know what you plan to use them for
  • Decorate for personal use on personal websites, blog layouts, journals, BBS, phones, etc.
  • Credit with a visible link back to the bitmapdreams index page (

PLEASE DON'T (without permission)

  • Redistribute (repost) on other websites, blogs, BBS, etc. (this includes but is not limited to weheartit, pinterest, and tumblr. if you would like to post my works to tumblr, please email me and i will create a post on my tumblr for you reblog.)
  • Use for profit or other commercial purposes
  • Edit, copy, or use in your works, products, or services
  • Use on websites related to commercial, illegal, adult (this includes dd/lg related content), or hate/violent content

If clarification should be required, please email me before agreeing to these terms. Uploads of my artwork found that fail to follow these guidelines will be taken down through DMCA claims filed to your service provider.

IMPORTANT NOTE for content curators/'aesthetic blogs': Please familiarize yourself with your service provider's Terms of Service document. Uploading content that you do not own the IP rights to (or do not have permission to upload) is prohibited by many websites including weheartit, pinterest, tumblr and devianart, and is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Going against the Terms of Service document of a service provider will put your account at risk for termination. If you're thinking 'but everybody does it!': Companies oftentimes do not have the resources to monitor for violations, but are legally obligated to act in the event that a DMCA claim is brought to their attention. Keep your hard work as a curator safe by getting permission before uploading and always crediting your content properly!

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